CodeHS JavaScript


This is a JavaScript library designed for creating programs in CodeHS.

Using the library

The library is used in JavaScript Graphics programs in CodeHS. To use the library in an online IDE, visit

There are several options for using the library outside of CodeHS. If a <canvas> element is present on the page, the library will use it, otherwise it will create its own.

Via global script tag (recommended)

To use the library via CDN, create an HTML program with the following <script> tag after any <canvas> element you wish to draw to:

<canvas width="500" height="500"></canvas>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var c = new Circle(300);

The library will automatically load, and any <script>s previous to it will have access to its methods.

Note that only script tags after the script importing the library.

As an ES module

A script tag with type="module" can import directly from the library. This is more advanced usage.

<script type="module">
import {Circle, Graphics} from "";

const graphics = new Graphics();
graphics.add(new Circle(50));